


I am Nettie, and I would like to welcome you to my website, https://lets-take-a-hike.com!  My site features informative and helpful articles and product reviews on hiking and camping-related topics for someone just starting out on this journey, as well as the seasoned camper and hiker; basically, for ANYONE who loves taking a hike – and spending the night!

There are also banners and links for you to click on that will lead you to all the hiking and camping gear, clothing, footwear, and accessories you will need to further enhance your awesome time in the Great Outdoors!




Looking way back to my early childhood, I can still picture it like it was just yesterday . . . . My parents would take me to visit my paternal grandparents. My Grandma and Pawpaw had this massive painting over their living room couch. This painting featured a dirt path leading into a lush green forest, totally engulfing the narrow dirt path like a giant hug from its Creator . . . I would just stand there, staring into this painting, desperately needing to walk right onto this path of beauty and intrigue . . . I HAD to discover just what was around the next turn, and where in the world would this path end up taking me . . .

Now, all these years later, with so many paths taken into the beautiful mystery of the unknown, I STILL have to know . . . just what is around this next turn, and where in the world will THIS path end up taking me . . . ?

Is there anybody else out there who would like to discover just where the next path or trail will end up taking YOU? Are you up for the adventure, and ready to begin?

here we go, Here We Go, HERE WE GO!!!


Hiking is one of the very best things you can do for your body mentally, physically, and spiritually, according to recent medical and scientific studies. The hiking experience is unique, research suggests, conveying benefits beyond what you receive from typical exercise. It oxygenates your heart, helps keep your mind sharp, your body calm, your creativity more alive, and your relationships happier. As if all these benefits weren’t enough, evidence suggests that hiking around trees may provide extra benefits. This is due to certain organic compounds that trees exude that boost our mood and our overall psychological well-being.

With ALL the benefits of hiking added to just the pure joy of spending quality time outdoors, enjoying a walk in nature, I KNOW that I am more than ready to do something awesome for my own body, mind, and spirit!!! Who is ready to go for a hike??? here we go, Here We Go, HERE WE GO!!!


Please feel free to leave any comments, suggestions, questions, experience, and/or advice you may have,  and I will get back with you as soon as possible!

I wish you all the best!




