




“Forest Bathing” derived in 1982 from the Japanese Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries’ term “shirin-yoku”, which simply means absorbing the forest atmosphere, and spending time in nature.

There is no bathing actually required. While practicing Forest Bathing, you will learn to live in the present moment. while at the same time, totally immersing your senses in the sights and sounds of nature surrounding you.


Don’t let the term “Forest Bathing” discourage you if you live in a totally urban area, far away from the deep woods. As long as you can find a spot to be surrounded by nature, you could go to a nearby park, a nature trail, or any nature setting. You just need to practice the art of “mindfulness”, which means being completely present in a moment.


Once you have arrived at your own special “Nature Place”, just relax and spend some time taking in long, deep breaths. Pay attention to what your other senses are taking in. Your senses could be feeling a gentle breeze on your skin, listening to birds singing or squirrels chirping, maybe even smelling the salty ocean air.




You can simply sit and take in your surroundings, or feel free to get up and walk around – as long as you keep a slow, steady pace. Remember – this is not a fast-paced hike – it is all about letting your mind and your senses explore and indulge in all of the nature surrounding you.



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Try to give Forest Bathing at least a half an hour each day. This should become something to help you unwind and destress  from the rat race of our extremely busy and complicated lives. Just remember to leave your cellphones at home, in your vehicle, or at least put away, while you spend this time engulfed in the beauty of nature surrounding you. I have a link for Forest Bathing Journals from Amazon, above. It would be a good idea to fill out journals such as these, and take them with you to glance at during the crazy times during your days, just to help you calm down as you read about your peaceful journeys in nature.





When we are under stress for long periods of time, it takes a toll on our minds and bodies. Stress can lead to increased anxiety, depression, insomnia, high blood pressure, and even body aches and pains. Studies have revealed that as little as 10 minutes a day in nature can lead to decreased amounts of stress, and brings us some much-needed well-being and happiness. We all need to step back for a few minutes each day to just breathe and take in the beauty of GOD’s creation surrounding us. How long has it been since you just walked or sat in the woods, or on a park bench, and took the time to really listen to the birds singing for you, watched squirrels chattering and chasing each other, or noticed the changing of the beautiful leaves in Autumn???





Another awesome thing about Forest Bathing is that ANYONE is able to practice it! There is nothing strenuous about it, like in running, hiking, or even walking – unless you just want to take a little relaxing stroll. Any person, in any physical shape, should be able to get outside for as little as 10 minutes every day to soak up the sun and let the beauty of nature take you away . . .

Who is ready to become totally submerged and inspired by Forest Bathing??? Let’s Get Outside!!!


  1. Hi Nettie,

    I have never heard of the term “Forest Bathing”, and to be honest, I totally thought it meant bathing in the forest. Lol!  But this concept is really cool.  I love being outdoors in nature, especially this time of the year during fall when the leaves are changing colours.  Just today, I took my dog for a new walk, to an area we have never been to.  We both loved it, it’s a great way to explore and enjoy new scenery.  We took a short break on a park bench and just enjoyed the surroundings.  It really is a great way to de-stress!


    • Hi Jenny!  

      I had actually never heard of the term Forest Bathing until yesterday, either!  After doing lots of research on it, I realized that I was forest bathing every single day and never even knew it!!  Haha!!  You are like me, loving the beautiful scenery of the changing leaves!  And I love that you and your dog go for walks and enjoy nature together!  I wish you both many years of Forest Bathing together, destressing and just enjoying the beauty of nature!!!


  2. Thanks for this post, Nettie! To be honest, when I first saw the “forest bathing” headline, I thought it would involve us actually bathing. Cool to learn that forest bathing means taking in your surroundings in a forest. Back when I used to go for hikes more, I found that forest bathing was also a great way to generate ideas, so this is definitely something I have to do more. Thanks for writing this article and reminding me!

    • Hi Kevin!

      Thank you for your comment!  I actually did not know the meaning of Forest Bathing  either until I started researching it yesterday, and realized I had been doing it for a very long time!  Thank goodness, it is not actual bathing!!  Haha!!!!  I can definitely see how Forest Bathing would help generate ideas – when you are relaxed and your mind is clear, it is totally free to explore many different avenues.  I am glad that I have helped to remind you of this, and I truly hope you find lots of time to go Forest Bathing and just let your mind go to many peaceful places  while you generate lots of amazing ideas!! 


  3. Forest bathing is a great way to escape the stress and pressures of our world. To enhance the experience in a urban park setting, I often play music softly in my earphones of the natural sounds of the surf, a fountain of water or a audio experience next to a waterfall. In this way I can also use my imagination to experience nature at other places. Would this be still considered Forest Bathing or would I need to experience with my senses the sounds in the park itself even though not completely removed from the distractions of the urban setting?

    • Hello Toplink!

      Thank you very much for your comments and your question!  I am very glad to hear that you enjoy Forest Bathing also!  In answer to your question, typically technology and Forest Bathing do not go hand in hand, especially if people are using their phones to talk, check messages and emails, etc.  That totally takes away the whole intention of relaxing and destressing in nature.  In your case,  you are in a park in an urban setting, and you are trying to drown out the city noises by listening to the sounds of nature.   I personally think that you are not only forest bathing, but actually doubling your peaceful experience by letting your nature sounds take you far away!!  Keep up the great work, and stay destressed!


    • Hi Toplink!
      I thought I saw another comment from you on my article, but now I cannot find it anywhere . . . If you did send another comment, could you please resend it?? Thank you – I look forward to hearing from you!!

  4. Thank you for this post over forest bathing!  I did not know that it had a term, spending time in nature and being present in the moment there with all the trees and animals, but now I know it does.  This is a lot like meditation right?  It helps center and ground us into the moment, and takes our minds off a future that hasn’t happened yet, and a past that is already over.

    • Hi Jessie!

        The term Forest Bathing is actually new to me also, and I really like it – just being totally submerged in nature at the present moment and clearing our minds of everything but the peace and beauty surrounding us . . .  You hit the nail on the head with this being a lot like meditation!!  I totally love your thoughts on how this practice “takes our minds off a future that hasn’t happened yet, and a past that is already over”.   Thank you for your awesome comment, and I wish you much joy and peace in your life!!



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