




We have been getting our bodies physically and mentally prepared for our hikes, have purchased the proper hiking attire and gear, and have mapped out our hiking routes. What’s next?? It is now time to decide on the best healthy snacks to take along on our hikes!!

First of all, we must not forget that Hydration Is The Key, so be sure to take along plenty of water. If we will be going on a hike that will take longer than an hour, we could take along some Gatorade. We could drink it plain, or even Gatorade mixed with a 1 to 1 ratio of water. Gatorade will provide us with blood sugar for energy, and electrolytes for added hydration, on top of our water.

When we hike, our bodies exhaust a great deal of energy. It is very important to replenish the lost protein, healthy fats, carbohydrates, and calories we have exhumed to keep our bodies in peak condition, and our energy levels at their highest. By choosing the proper healthy hiking snacks, our bodies will perform at their best, and we will have plenty of energy to conquer those trails!

The best healthy snacks to carry on our hikes will be foods rich in protein, carbohydrates, healthy fats, potassium, and calories. Protein will help preserve our muscle mass while we are burning fat and calories, the carbohydrates will provide added fuel for our hikes, and the healthy fat and calories will help keep us full so we won’t get hungry on the trail. Our muscles need the potassium, and it will also help fight off cramps.

Beef jerky and tuna are a great source of protein. Peanut butter, or other types of nut butters, are also an excellent source of protein, as well as being rich in carbohydrates and healthy fats.

Trail mixes are good sources of protein, carbohydrates, fats, and fiber. This is actually one of the top choices for hikers, backpackers, and campers!



Bananas will provide us with potassium, as well as other vitamins and minerals, which our muscle cells need. Bananas contain simple sugar, which converts to blood glucose, and then into energy.

Other fruits and vegetables will furnish our bodies with carbohydrates, fiber, vitamins, minerals, and water. We can choose dried or fresh fruits and vegetables, even packaged natural fruit, and even applesauce. You could also take along some frozen grapes, or orange slices – very refreshing!



Energy bars are another excellent source of nutrient-rich hiking snacks. We have a great variety to choose from, but try to look for an energy bar that contains at least 10 grams of protein, 20 grams of carbohydrates, and 5 grams of fiber.

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I hope I have given you some helpful information on healthy snacks to carry on your next hiking adventure, a few good ideas for healthy snacks, as well as letting you know just why each type of snack will be beneficial to your body. If we stick to these basic principles of furnishing our bodies with the needed protein, carbohydrates, healthy fats, potassium, and calories, our bodies will be very grateful to us, and we will have tons of energy to tackle all of our hikes!!

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